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WAC Student tool & supply needs

Wesson News


Children enrolled in the WAC kindergarten and grades one through six must bring a variety of supplies, including tools for their school work such as pencils, crayons, scissors, and notebook; and personal hygiene items such as hand soap, wipes, sanitizers, and paper towels:


2-facial tissue

1-blunt tip 5" scissors

4-paper towels

4-crayola crayons 24 ct

1-crayola assorted thick markers 12 ct

1-crayola Artista watercolor set 8 ct

1-poly pocket with brad folders

2-plastic pocket only folder

1-elmer's school glue 4 oz

2-waterless hand sanitizer 8 oz with pump

24-#2 Dixon Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencil

1-12x18 construction paper 50 ct

1-12x18 manila paper 50 ct

4-elmer's washable glue stick

1-four color pack of playdoh (4 oz cans)

1-11 x 7.25 natural canvas pencil bag w/grommets

1-dial pump bottle soap

1-ziploc/glad gallon freezer zip bags (boys)

1-ziploc/glad quart freezer zip bags (girls)

First grade

1- pencil bag with grommets

4- Crayola crayons 24 ct

1-fiskars 5' blunt tip scissors (ages 4+)

2-wide ruled spiral notebook

2-mead 5-star plastic folders

2-pink pearl beveled erasers

1-pack of pencil cap erasers

1-4 pack expo black fine tip dry erase markers

1-package 12"x18" manilla drawing paper

1-1" 3 ring binder

1-dial pump bottle soap

1-80z pump waterless hand sanitizer

3-boxes of Kleenex

1-chlorox disinfecting wipes (not for skin)

1-ziploc or glad quart freezer zip bags

1-ziploc or glad gallon freezer zip bags

4-rolls of paper towels (85+count)

1-pair of sturdy earbuds

Second Grade

24- no2 Dixon Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencil

6-elmer's small washable white glue stick

3-facial tissue

2- pencil cap erasers (large pack)

1-11x7.25 pencil bag w/grommets

1-9x12 construction paper

1-wide rule composition book

4-paper towels

2- plastic pocket only folder

1- highlighters 4 pack

1-wide rule 8x10.5 filler paper 100 ct

1-9x12 manila paper

1-waterless hand sanitizer 8 oz with pump

4-crayola crayons 24 ct

1-blunt tip 5" scissors

2-disinfecting wipes 35 ct - not for skin

1-ziploc/glad gallon freezer zip bags (boys)

1-ziploc/glad quart freezer zip bags (girls)

1- Refillable Water Bottle

I- pair of sturdy earbuds

Third Grade

1- pencil bag with grommets

4- packs of 12 Ticonderoga pencils

2- boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count)

1- pair of blunt tip 5” scissors

4- Elmer glue sticks

4- expo dry erase markers (black only!)

2- packs of 4 sharpie highlighters (yellow only!)

2- 2 inch binders

2- packs of 5 multi-colored plastic tab dividers

2- packs of pencil cap erasers

2- boxes of Kleenex

2- rolls of paper towels

3- bottles of Clorox wipes

2- large bottles of germ x

1-pair of sturdy earbuds

Fourth Grade

2- packs of 24 ct. USA Gold or Ticonderoga pencils

2- containers of Clorox wipes

1- bottle of germ-x

3- boxes of 24 ct. Crayola crayons

2- plastic pocket folders with prongs

4- packs of cap erasers

4- black dry erase markers

4- pair of earbuds (1 per 9 weeks)

2- packs of wide ruled loose-leaf notebook paper

1- box of Ziploc bags (boys – gallon; girls – quart) 2- composition notebooks (no spiral)

2- boxes of Kleenex (100 ct. or more)

2- packs of Crayola markers

2- rolls of paper towels

2- packs of 4 ct. highlighters

1-9x12 sketch pad

I- pair of sturdy earbuds

Fifth Grade

1- pencil bag or box

1- sturdy ear buds for laptop

1-36 count#2 Ticonderoga or USA Gold pencils

2- 25ct pencil cap erasers

1- pre-sharpened colored pencils

1- 24 count crayons

1- pack of colored markers, broad tip

1- regular pencil sharpener

1- blunt tip 5” scissors

8 count assorted highlighters

4 count chisel tip dry erase markers (BLACK only)

4 count Elmer’s glue sticks

2- 1” binders with clear pouch on front 1 pack of insert dividers with tabs

1 plastic folder with pockets and prongs

2 packs of wide ruled 8X10.5 filler paper, 100 count

3 boxes of facial tissues

3 rolls of paper towels

1 bottle of germ-x

2 containers Clorox wipes

1 Ziploc quart storage bags

25 count heavy duty sheet protectors, clear

1- composition journal

Sixth Grade

36-7mm mechanical pencil

1-7mm pencil lead refill 1 tube

2-pink bevel eraser

2-1" hardback vinyl binder

1-pencil bag w/grommets

1-plastic pocket only folder

1- poly pocket with brad folders

4-wide rule 8x10.5 filler paper 100 ct

1-assorted insertable dividers 8 tab

1-assorted highlighters 4 pack

4- black chisel tip dry erase marker

1-12ct Crayola 7" colored pres-harpened pencils

2-paper towels

2-germx 8oz with pump

2-Clorox wipes- not for skin

2-basic calculator

2-3x3 assorted sticky notes 50 ct

2-sturdy pair of earbuds for computer

1-ziploc/glad gallon freezer zip bags

2-facial tissue

Parents no longer have to shop stores for the tools and supplies. They can order them online at in kits customized to Wesson Attendance Center teacher specs that will be delivered to WAC and placed in classrooms of children before school starts. Costs of kits not including sales taxes are $74.64 for kindergartners, $64.18 for first graders, $66.56 for second grade boys and $66.31 for second grade girls, $63.96 for third grade boys and $63.12 for third grade girls, $61.09 for fourth graders, $66.63 for fifth graders and $60.77 for sixth graders. Use the WES895 code when ordering for direct shipment to WAC.



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