Town Clerk Angela Hester is packing her bags again to attend the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) annual conference, where she will acquire the knowledge and hone the skills she needs to serve Wesson as one of the to professionals in role in the municipal government.
Hester will join colleagues from throughout the world from Sunday, May 19, through Wednesday, May 22, at IIMC’s 78th annual conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The conference at Calgary’s Telus Center and in the Marriott Hotel features educational tracks, including Academy and Advanced Academy sessions and Athenian Leadership Society Dialogue discussions around topical books. The conference agenda also includes an opening night networking reception, an annual banquet, a vendors and sponsors exhibit, a roundtable discussion with state, provincial and national association presidents, meetings of the IIMC directors and foundation boards and orientations for first-time delegates and committee leadership.
IIMC is the premier organization for Municipal Clerks. Founded in 1947,
it has 75 years of experience improving their professionalism, with more than 15,000
members representing towns, small municipalities and large urban jurisdictions
of more than several million people. IIMC is affiliated with 49 U.S. and nine Canadian Associations.
Among topics in the IIMC Academy sessions will be collaboration, negotiating, diversity,
ethics, artificial intelligence, networking, leadership and job-related politics. Books
on the Athenian Leadership Society Dialogue agenda are Unbroken, An Astronaut’s
Guide to Life on Earth, Meet Me at the Lake and Five Little Indians.