Exercising 150 minutes per week along with losing five to seven percent of your weight decreases your probability of adult-onset diabetes 58 per cent, and by 71 per cent if you are 60 years old or greater, Amy Case a diabetes specialist at Brookhaven's King's Daughters Medical Center (KDMC) says.
Case talked to Wesson Lions Club about the prevention-oriented Diabetes program at KDMC.
"One in three Americans have prediabetes, and 90 per cent don't know it," she said. "Yet with weight loss and exercise, they can prevent diabetes." The KDMC program, she said, provides:
A trained lifestyle coach
A year at the KDMC gym
Instruction based on a Center for Disease Control curriculum
Group support
Sixteen weekly meetings with monthly follow-ups
Practical recipes
Meal planning guidance
Problem-solving strategies
Program participants, Cases explained, must be at least 18 years old, overweight or have a Body Mass Index greater than 25, previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes or diagnosed with prediabetes or borderline diabetes.
For information, call 601-835-9489.