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Tennis men & women winning matches

Co-Lin’s men and women tennis teams closed out March with winning records.


Following 6-3 victory over Hinds, the men stood at 11-6 overall and 5-4 in conference matches.  The women ended the month with a 6-3 loss to Meridian, but stood at 10-5 overall, with a 4-3 conference record.


In ending the month match against Hinds, the Co-Lin tennis me won two of three doubles matches and 4 of 6 singles matches.  The Co-Lin doubles winners were Franciso Miguel and Landon Banes and Simon Cooper and Robert Adcock.  In singles action, Co-Lin victors were Valentino Millimaci, Arne Sohmer, Landon Banes and Simon Cooper.


In women’s doubles action against Meridian, Co-Lin's Yari Bello/Cami Mordiz and Adyson Parks/Ann-Clark Van were winners in doubles matches, but only Makaela Rummells won in singles competition.


At the end of March, the tennis men also had match victories over East Central (6-3, 7-2), Bevill (6-3), Milsaps (6-3), Bellhaven (6-3), Northwest (9-0), Holmes (9-0), Northeast (7-2), Hinds (5-4) and Southwest (9-0), with losses to Meridian (6-3), Weatherford (6-3), Jones (9-0), Itawamba (7-2), Gulf Coast (8-1) and Coastal Alabama (7-2).


Co-Lin’s tennis women had match victories over Hinds (6-3, 5-4), East Central (9-0, 8-1), Bevill (8-1), Itawamba (6-3), Bellhaven (9-0), Northwest (6-3), Northeast (9-0), Soutwest (9-0) and Coastal Alabama (5-4).  In addition to the month-ending match loss to Meridian, the team also had lost to Weatherford (6-3), Millsaps (8-1) and Gulf Coast (7-2).




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