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“Within endless grace, old things can be set free and true freedom can begin…”

Misty Prine

By Misty Prine

“Beneath the thoughts and feelings you have worn on your shoulders for so long, there is the real you, who is worthy of freedom from what darkness said you would be. For you are more than what you feel, you are more than what you think, and yes, these things do matter, but they do not mean everything. There is still this open space deep within endless grace to let those old things go and start all over again.” – Morgan Harper Nichols

Each sentence is so powerful and true and I’m sure rings so incredibly true to so many on a very personal level. It’s easy to put on a strong face in front of others but behind closed doors, when you can let your guard down, it’s easy to fall apart. We all have highs and lows and while in those low valleys the Lord is with you always. He will search you out, rescue you, forgive you, help you and love you through anything and everything you are going through. You are never alone while you are there. He will remind you time and time again that you are more than what you are feeling, more than the enemy WANTED you to feel as though you were. Can our problems consume us? Of course they can. But does that mean we have to dwell on them? Um...nope. But why do our problems matter in the grand scheme of things? The answer is this: within the problem lies a solution. To get to the solution, we have to move closer to the Lord. When He gets us through the problem, and He will, we will be better versions of ourselves. This brings me to my favorite part of this quote.

“There is still this open space deep with ENDLESS GRACE to let those old things go and start all over again.”

Boom. There is the rainbow in the cloud. The Lord willingly provides us with endless grace and mercy that will never run out on us, never lack in forgiveness and a love that never fails even when we fail Him repeatedly. He never runs away from us when we run away from Him. Sure, life is difficult. God never promised an easy road, but He did promise He’d never leave us. He is a God of second chances! We need to use difficulties to become better witnesses and better people for Him. Just remember who

you are, not by being defined by your failures or bad decisions, but who you CAN be in Christ! Don’t try to run FROM God but instead run TO Him. Let HIM define your life, not your mistakes.

**For daily devotionals, you can follow me on Facebook at The Upward Way or on Instagram at the_upward_way.

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