Town Clerk Angela Hester has been recertified for her duties as Wesson Court Clerk.
Hester attended week-long recertification training last month at the Pearl River Resort at Choctaw, Mississippi, near Philadelphia, conducted by the University of Mississippi Judicial College (MJC). More than 400 persons participated, including over 200 on site and 200 online virtually through Zoom.
Court Clerk recertification based on the training is required every two years.
At the Municipal Court Clerks Continuing Education Conference, Hester and her colleagues heard speakers and panels discuss legal research and resources, the Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program (MASEP), public safety, the Mississippi Public Records Act, media and access to court records, the appeals process to Circuit Courts, ethics and judicial performance and access to justice. Featured speakers included municipal clerks, judges, attorneys, journalists, state agency executives and college instructors.
The conference sponsored by the Municipal Court Clerks Association also included the MCCA business meeting.
MJC covered expenses of attendees.