The Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR)) is a member-driven organization. Its 2022-23 officers are Tommy Sasser, president; Sarah Lloyd, vice president; Joy Wesbrooks, secretary; Nora Berch, associate secretary; Martha Lightsey, treasurer; Bettie Bullard, immediate past president; members-at-large Kim Whittington, George Huffman and Dian Summers.
Five committees manage the organization, develop its program and handle meeting arrangements:
Luncheon/Lecture. Bob Arnold (chair), Allen Cupit and Sylvia Buie.
Scholarship. Mary Ann Smith (chair), Diane Clopton and Sonya Cowen.
Decorating. Jennifer Templeton (chair), Sarah Lloyd, Melanie Dufrene and Colleen Bomesbach.
Travel. Suzanne Vaughn (chair), Cherie Langston, Brenna Smith, Lanell Strait and Martha Lightsey.
Finance. Martha Lightsey (chair), Marilyn Brown, Mary James and Lanell Strait.
Governance. Jean Ricks (chair) and Zoula Huffman.
Hospitality. Diane Clopton (chair), Sarah Lloyd and Linda Wall.
ILR program coordinator is Erin Johnson (erin.johnson@colin.edu, 601-643-8702).