Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an immigration policy that provides protection from deportation, a work permit and educational opportunities to young people brought to the United States as children without immigration status.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is now accepting first-time applicants and renewal requests. Applicants need to have been born after June 15, 1981 and have been living in the United States since June 15, 2007. They cannot have been convicted of a serious crime and need photo ID. Applicants also must have graduated from high school or be enrolled in an educational program.
The Mississippi Center for Justice and our pro bono partner, Akin Gump, are providing free application support to those Mississippians applying for DACA. If you’re interested, please scan our QR code and fill out the survey. We will get in touch with you to see if you can apply for DACA and, if so, place you with an attorney. The Mississippi Center for Justice is located in Jackson, Biloxi, and Indianola, and Max Meyers is the staff attorney working on this project.
For more information please contact the Mississippi Center for Justice at 601.709.2141 or visit www.mscenterforjustice.org.