Heart attacks, strokes and severe injuries can derail our dreams of living long, healthy, happy, prosperous lives. Realistic New Year’s resolutions can help us ward off those threats to our dreams. To reduce our risk of health and trauma emergencies, paramedics at AMR recommend sticking with these resolutions:
Protect yourself from heart attack and diabetes by exercising regularly and by cutting sugar, fat and salt intake and working to maintain recommended weight. Check with your physician before starting an exercise or weight-loss program.
Wear your seatbelt on every trip, no matter how short or long. Resolve to not move the vehicle until everyone in it is buckled up and every child is properly secured in a safety seat.
Drive safely by observing the speed limit, obeying other traffic laws and staying off the phone while behind the wheel. Make sure your brakes, windshield wipers, lights and other safety equipment stay in good condition. Never drink and drive.
Take a CPR course or recertify, and encourage your family and friends to do so.
Make sure your mailbox address or house number is easy to read from the road both day and night. (Even with GPS, rescuers need visual confirmation they have reached the scene where they are needed.)
Keep your family safe from major injury by locking poisonous substances and guns in cabinets. Make your home more secure from falls (such as by installing night lights).
Prevent and prepare for a house fire by (a) checking your smoke detectors once a month, (b)ensuring you have fire extinguishers handy and (c) developing and practicing a family fire escape plan. If your home doesn’t already have a carbon monoxide detector, install one.
Resolve that every family member will learn to swim well.
Teach your children how to call 911 properly.
Work to keep a positive outlook, strengthen your relationships with others and do more to manage stress, because happier people have longer, heartier lives.