After a year of isolation and "butterbeaning" only in their imaginations, Wesson's Youth Garden Club (The Butterbeans) kicked off summer with an exciting, action-packed day of learning and garden goodness. The Wesson Garden Club (WGC) hosted the butterbeans on June 17 at the Old Wesson School.
WGC Vice President Denise Jackson kicked off the morning with all things Bromeliads, specifically air plants. The leaves are spiky, no need for soil, and can be grown in a variety of locations. The Butterbeans planted their Bromeliads, a hardy plant requiring little attention, in their choice of a cow bone, cedar round or sea shell.
The Garden Club of Mississippi's Youth Coordinator, Allison Ashmore, led the Butterbean's next activity, creating nature banners by gluing, painting and drawing silhouettes of the beauty found in nature. The activity allowed the Butterbeans to be expressive within their own creative minds.
During lunch, WGC member Robin Furr led the group's story time. Nowhere Hair by Sue Gladner and Backyard Birding for Kids by Fran Lee were then presented to the Wesson Public Library on behalf of the Wesson Garden Club.
Mississippi State University Extension Service 4H Coordinator Melissa Morgan supplied each Butterbean with a clay pot, paint of all colors, and the liberty to get crafty. Instead of watching paint dry, Morgan engaged the Butterbeans with healthy snacking. She brought strawberry plants to demonstrate how strawberries grow and then made strawberry smoothies for the Butterbeans to enjoy.
To wrap up the afternoon, each junior gardener planted flowers in their pots to take home.
Planting seeds within the children of the community is one mission of the Wesson Garden Club.
Wesson Garden Club is a member of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. and The National Garden Clubs, Inc.