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Wesson PR Executive Honored

Wesson PR Executive Honored

Jessica Breazeale of Wesson received two public relations awards at the Public Relations Association of MS (PRAM) -Pine Belt Chapter meeting at the OgleTree Alumni House at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg.

Breazeale received an award of merit on a 2020 summer safety campaign she implemented. She was also honored with a 2021 Senior Practitioner Award by the Southern Public Relations Federation (SPRF).

The senior practitioner designation was established to honor Southern Public Relations Federation (SPRF) members who are recognized by their peers as veteran public relations professionals with high ethical standing. Nomination and selection are made by local public relations association chapter based on criteria set by the Federation. To receive the designation “senior practitioner,” a recipient must qualify in three of the following four criteria:

  • 15 years of full-time public relations experience

  • Accreditation by a Universal Accreditation Board (UAB) member organization

  • Officer or board member at the chapter, state or SPRF level

  • Recognition of professionalism as evidenced by such awards as Practitioner of the Year, Lantern Award or similar honor

The emcee presenting the award to Breazeale said she "checked every box."

Breazeale was recognized at SPRF’s annual conference this year at Panama City Beach, but was not able to attend due to prior commitments.

“It was a huge honor being nominated and recognized - even though I couldn’t be in Panama City," she said. "When they told me they wanted to also recognize me in Hattiesburg, I asked my mom to come with me. It was nice having her there with me as well.”



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