Wesson Garden Club members last month received some sage advice from a Co-Lin gardening pro about season-ending gardening tasks.
Guest speaker Jacob Prisock, a talented landscape designer, consultant, and Grounds Department Supervisor at Co-Lin, talked about “Putting Your Garden to Rest” and answered various gardening and landscaping in a presentation at the Garden Club's October meeting.
At the meeting, Club members also discussed:
A bluebird housing project. Houses for bluebirds are being placed along the east side of Highway 51 to welcome these special feathered friends.
Beverly Anderson King memorial bench dedication. The event is November 5 for the late Garden Club member and leader. A short memorial dedication service is planned and Co-Lin will provide cookies and punch. The Club is paying for a fresh flower arrangement at the table.
The Scarecrow Challenge -- a competition among teams of Garden Club members to create decorative fall displays at businesses and other locations around town (see story elsewhere in this issue).
The Club met October 14 at Wesson Baptist Church. On hand were members Sonya Cowen, Debbie Hoaglin, Denise Jackson, Pam McLemore, JoAnn Miller, June Owens, Pam Owens, Jean Ricks, Meghan Shepherd, Debbie Smith, Nancy Sullivan, Dixie Thornton, Cathy Warren and Joy Wesbrooks. Hostesses Pam McLemore, Meghan Shepherd and Cathy Warren served a meal.
The Wesson Garden Club is a member of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., and The National Clubs, Inc.