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MDOT encourages bicycle safety

Wesson News

Taking a look around, it seems more and more people are enjoying the weather and passing the time on two wheels. In fact, many bike retailers are reporting an increase in demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is only appropriate that May is “Bike Month.” It’s a time to highlight the many benefits of biking and encourage more people to give it a try.

MDOT is releasing this video that outlines proper procedures for cyclists and motorists to encourage everyone to be safe on and around bicycles.

May is Bike Month. It’s a time to highlight the many benefits of biking — and encourage more people to give it a try.

At MDOT, we want all modes of transportation to safely coexist - including motorists and bicyclists. So drivers, let’s share the road with bikers and make sure everyone gets to their destination.

According to state law, when a driver comes upon a cyclist, the motorist shall leave a safe distance of at least three feet between their vehicle and the cyclist.

It is also unlawful to harass, taunt or maliciously throw an object at or in the direction of any person riding a bicycle.

Bicyclists can also do things to keep themselves safe. Be sure to check your equipment for proper fit, maintenance and tire pressure.

Plan to be seen. That means wearing bright clothing and using lights when riding at night. Always wear a helmet.

Cyclists are also required to follow all traffic laws. That means riding in the same direction as traffic, using hand signals for turns and obeying traffic signs and signals.

Thanks for watching. For more bike safety tips, follow @MississippiDOT on Facebook and Twitter.



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